Pasang Iklan 021-5436 1493

Iklan di Koran Tempo

Pasang Iklan Koran Tempo

Koran Tempo adalah sebuah koran berbahasa Indonesia yang terbit di Indonesia, dengan 158.000 pembaca per hari. Pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 2001 dengan sirkulasi sebesar 100.000 setiap hari. Motto Koran Tempo adalah “referensi utama politik dan ekonomi” -compact, padat, akurat, dan terpercaya. Dari dulu hingga sekarang, brand ternama rutin pasang iklan di Koran Tempo

Iklan Koran Tempo

Sejak awal KORAN TEMPO dirancang menjadi bacaan utama kalangan muda yang berpikir maju, lintas gender, dan mewakili kalangan yang mapan secara ekonomi, berpendidikan, dan selalu haus akan bacaan bermutu. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang muda, energik, optimis memandang masa depan, sangat profesional dalam bertindak dan analitik dalam berpikir, serta sangat peduli dengan kualitas.

Distribusi KORAN TEMPO tersebar ke lebih dari 24 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.Sejak 2002, Koran Tempo telah meraih berbagai penghargaan baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Dan, sekarang ini oplah cetak perhari telah mencapai sekitar 250.000 eksemplar dengan distribusi nasional.

KORAN TEMPO is an Indonesian-language newspapers published in Indonesia, with 158,000 readers every day. First published in 2001 with a circulation of 100,000 per day. Tempo motto is “the main political and economic reference” – compact, solid, accurate, and reliable

Since the beginning, KORAN TEMPO is designed to be the main reading among young forward thinking, cross-gender, and those who financially secure, educated, and always longing for quality reading materials. They are the ones who are young, energetic, optimistic look to the future, very professional in the act and analytical thinking, and very concerned with quality.

KORAN TEMPO distribution spread to more than 24 provinces throughout Indonesia. Since 2002, the Tempo has won numerous awards both domestically and abroad. And, nowadays, the circulation of Koran Tempo have reach about 250,000 exemplar, which distributed nationally.

 Untuk informasi pemasangan iklan di Koran Tempo, silakan hubungi :

Doremindo Agency (DO’A)

Telepon : 021-5436 1493

HP / WA : 0856-880-8066

Email :

KORAN TEMPO is an Indonesian-language newspapers published in Indonesia, with 158,000 readers every day. First published in 2001 with a circulation of 100,000 per day. Tempo motto is “the main political and economic reference” – compact, solid, accurate, and reliable

Since the beginning, KORAN TEMPO is designed to be the main reading among young forward thinking, cross-gender, and those who financially secure, educated, and always longing for quality reading materials. They are the ones who are young, energetic, optimistic look to the future, very professional in the act and analytical thinking, and very concerned with quality.

KORAN TEMPO distribution spread to more than 24 provinces throughout Indonesia. Since 2002, the Tempo has won numerous awards both domestically and abroad. And, nowadays, the circulation of Koran Tempo have reach about 250,000 exemplar, which distributed nationally.

 Untuk informasi pemasangan iklan di Koran Tempo, silakan hubungi :

Doremindo Agency (DO’A)

Telepon : 021-5436 1493

HP / WA : 0856-880-8066

Email :

NOTE:  Saat ini, koran Tempo sudah tidak ada lagi versi cetak, sudah pindah ke versi Koran Tempo Digital yang bisa diakses lewat website. Jika Anda butuh pasang iklan di media cetak Tempo, maka bisa pertimbangkan untuk iklan di majalah Tempo versi cetak. Majalah Tempo selain versi cetak yang terbit seminggu sekali (majalah mingguan Tempo), juga bisa iklan di versi online digital Majalah Tempo, bisa juga beriklan di media Tempo yakni website portal berita