Pasang Iklan 021-5436 1493

Inflight Magazine of Tiger Mandala

Tiger Airways - Tiger Mandala

 Membangun sebuah start up yang sukses merupakan impian banyak orang yang ingin mendapatkan keberhasilan melalui sebuah usaha. Namun, usaha tersebut haruslah melewati beberapa tahap untuk menuju sebuah kesuksesan, karena kesuksesan tidak bisa diraih secara instan. Akhirnya, banyak strategi yang digunakan salah satunya melalui media iklan.

Digital marketing merupakan langkah tepat yang bisa dipilih, mengingat era milenial sedang tren dengan apa saja yang berbau digital. Namun, keterbatasan dana untuk menyebarluaskan usaha yang dibangun menjadi salah satu penghambatnya. Di samping itu, pasti siapa pun menginginkan mendapatkan pemasukan banyak dengan pengeluaran yang sedikit.

Media Kit 2013 / 2014

Majalah Tiger Mandala – Inflight Magazine of Tiger Mandala

About Tiger Tales

The Tiger Tales Indonesia magazine is another strong addition to the Tiger Tales stable. Taking its cues from the successful Asian and Australian editions of the publication, the new magazine will feature interesting and useful content drawn from destinations across the Tiger Mandala network and further afield. Articles are designed to appeal to a board range of readers with topics such as food and drink, hotel reviews and big city trends sitting comfortably alongside features that touch on everything from culture and adventure to conventional holidays. The magazine’s aim is to harness the brightest writing and photography talent in Indonesia and the wider region to produce a magazine that is at once readable and provides inspiration for travel.

Why Tiger Tales?

Vast domestic and international coverage of Tiger Mandala guarantees advertisers a domestic and international audience making it a preferable medium to communicate to their target audience.

Advertisers get undivided attention of the passengers as there are no other distractions onboard, thereby ensuring high recall brand

As Tiger Tales magazine is complimentary, advertisers enjoy extended exposure as traveler take it along with them on departure.

About Tiger Mandala

With domestic networks connecting the vast archipelago of islands that is Indonesia as well as regional connections to other parts of SE Asia, more people in Indonesia now travel more often, to agreater variety of destinations, for less with Tiger mandala. Coupled with Tiger Mandala’s unwavering focus on travel reliability and safety, multiple flight throughout the year is now the norm for leisure, as well as business travelers.


Frequency : Quarterly

Distribution : Every seatpocket

Reach : 485,000 pax per issue*

Circulation : 35,000 copies

*based on current flight schedule & everage passenger loads

SCHEDULES Majalah Tiger Mandala 2013/2014

Magazine Specifications (Majalah Tiger Mandala

For advertisement, please call  (+62) 0813 99808066, 021-5436 1493,

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